Actions for the enhancement and enjoyment of cultural heritage (Programme Agreement Actions 6. 7. 1 and 6. 7. 2) - POR Puglia 2014-2020

Action 6.7

Actions for the enhancement and enjoyment of cultural heritage (Programme Agreement Actions 6. 7. 1 and 6. 7. 2)

  • Interventions for the protection, enhancement and networking of cultural heritage, material and immaterial, in the areas of attraction of strategic importance that consolidates and promotes development processes (action by Programme Agreement 6.7.1)

Examples of activities (corresponding to Action Programme Agreement 6.7.1) to be carried out:

  • Recovery and functionalization of the material infrastructures of the cultural heritage, according to high quality standards as well as promoting the use of innovative technologies. The recovery will consist, once completed the overall action already undertaken in Apulia in previous programming periods, in interventions of restoration, security, setting up of service structures and other activities, where necessary and strictly aimed at their enhancement and use. The functionalities of the cultural heritage will concern the preparation of installations and services strictly necessary to their function of use in the context of the processes of enhancement and fruition. The functionalities of the cultural heritage will concern the preparation of installations and services strictly necessary to their function of use in the context of the processes of enhancement and fruition. This activity completes and innovates the previous policies of the Apulia Region in this field, focusing on places and sites that are strongly representative for their development and identity value.
  • Structural strengthening of the integrated supply of cultural and environmental services and the establishment of user networks, for example through the infrastructure and equipment of:

laboratories for the restoration, digitization of information, collection and processing of photographic material, sound, etc.; technological heritage (museums, libraries); the creation, within the network of cultural poles, of service structures for the infrastructure of individual goods for the provision of both cultural and leisure services to local communities (schools, old people) and tourists; the infrastructure of individual goods for the provision of both cultural and for the reception (bookshop, typical products of the territory, information centres and territorial reception and so on); the realization, also within the recovered spaces, of business incubators designed to promote the cultural and creative industries related to the enhancement of the cultural resources; the setting up of spaces for interdisciplinary training activities for public and private entities working in the cultural field; and to support processes to initiate creative entrepreneurship.

Promotion of a strong orientation towards sustainable and integrated management of cultural heritage, for example through the development of programme of integrated services for the material and immaterial cultural offer of the territorial network; the design and implementation of integrated management systems including transport services, cultural activities, access to places of worship and heritage, etc.; interventions on cultural heritage capable of enhancing the identity value of local communities, which are the result of a process of sharing between public and private actors.

  • Support for the dissemination of knowledge and the use of cultural heritage, both tangible and intangible, through the creation of innovative services and/or systems and the use of advanced technologies (action by Programme Agreement 6.7.2)

Examples of activities related to this action (corresponding to Action Programme Agreement 6.7.2) to be carried out are given below:

  • Interventions for the growth in quantity, quality and innovativeness of the systems, of the standards of the offer and of the services of use and knowledge of the cultural heritage, for example through: the application of innovative technologies to individual or networked cultural goods and places; and opportunities associated with smart specialisation; the increase in the supply of services linked to institutes and places of culture for the creation of garrisons, within urban contexts; the development of services and products for experts within the recovered structures (3D reconstructions, elaboration of models for material analysis, construction of multimedia territorial databases) and/or for the wider public (multimedia products for the dissemination of knowledge of the local heritage, planning and implementation of events, etc.); the creation, within the recovered structures, of workshops for the production of technologically innovative products that take into account the material and immaterial culture of the territories; the creation of centres of integration between training and work where those responsible for training (universities, museums, cultural institutions) collaborate with the world of business and work to propose and experiment with new products and new activities; the creation of multimedia databases that collect territorial know-how and implement training processes in the field of the recovery and protection of heritage or traditional material (restorers, carpenters, etc.); the creation, within the framework of the recovered structures, of workshops for the production of technologically innovative products that take into account the material and immaterial culture of the territories; the creation of centres of integration between training and work where those responsible for training (universities, museums, cultural institutions) collaborate with the world of business and work to propose and experiment with new products and activities; the creation of multimedia databases that collect territorial know-how and implement training processes in the field of the recovery and protection of heritage or traditional material (restorers, carpenters, etc. ); the implementation of “family friendly"; services suitable for the reception of families with small children.
  • Live shows and audiovisual in Apulia, for example through: the development and the internationalization of the artistic and productive chain of Apulian music, also through the improvement of the circulation and distribution of Apulian musical culture in the national and international markets, as well as the support to the record productions of Apulian artists and/or record productions made in Puglia; the development and enhancement of the Theatre and Dance System in Puglia, through the promotion of production, artistic creation, distribution and training of the public, as well as the support to the national and international diffusion of the products of this System; the enhancement of the excellence of the network of festivals and live shows that promote locations of particular historical, architectural, natural and landscape interest, which have been the subject of intervention within the framework of cohesion policies; the enhancement and promotion of art exhibitions of national and international importance in connection with structural interventions to enhance places and territories promoted by cohesion policies; the promotion of integration between businesses of the cultural, tourist, creative and entertainment sectors; promotion of actions aimed at promoting the use of the audiovisual cultural heritage and the integration of related cultural and creative enterprises;
  • the completion of the regional strategy for the construction of the audiovisual sector through the promotion of exchanges of good practices between operators in the sector and the growth of capacity; the dissemination of knowledge and use of the poles of excellence in the audiovisual sector, through the creation of innovative services and/or systems;

- Enhancement and promotion also at international level of the cultural heritage of the territory, encouraging its dissemination and knowledge through the creation of innovative services and/or systems and the use of advanced technologies.

  • Support to the development of products and services complementary to the enhancement of identified cultural and natural attractors of the territory (action by Programme Agreement 6.7.3)

This activity is financed under Axis III, line 3. 4 "Support for businesses in the cultural, tourist, creative and entertainment sectors".

For all activities, priority will be given to actions which complement and/or are complementary to the actions of the NOP Culture and Development and which are defined in the Operational Implementation Agreements provided for by the NOP.

In addition, this action will be coordinated with Measure 19 "LEADER Local Development"; of the RDP of Puglia, in particular in situations and territories in which Theme No 2 "Enhancement of cultural heritage and artistic heritage linked to the territory" is implemented.

Elements of complementarity and coherence will also be ensured thanks to the interventions of cultural enhancement of the Priority "Sustainable Development" of the EUSAIR Strategy. The Apulia Region intends to contribute to the specific objectives of EUSAIR concerning the diversification and quality of tourism products and services. The actions will concern, in coherence with the EUSAIR Action Plans, the strengthening of the cultural heritage of the Adriatic-ionic region.

The integration between investment in heritage and the promotion of cultural activities will be ensured through the definition of frameworks of programming of regional and territorial development initiatives. These programmes will have the task of ensuring that the consistency and the link between the interventions defined at national level (in particular in the context of the Operational Implementation Agreements MIBACT/Regions under the NOP "Culture and Development"), regional and territorial. They will determine the contents of the valorisation activities integrated that converge on the areas of cultural attraction, to seek the alignment of phases and implementation methods between national, regional and territorial programming.

Beneficiares: Public entities and bodies owning cultural goods, referred to in art. 10 of Legislative Decree  42/2004 and the institutes and places of culture referred to in Article 101 of Legislative Decree  42/2004 or who have the availability, permanently intended for public cultural enjoyment.

Calls and notices

Until time runs out  04/04/2019 - 20/01/2020

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Smart-In - Community Library