Priority Axes of ROP 2014-2020

The Operational Program of the Puglia Region 2014-2020 was drawn up taking into account the provisions of Regulation (EU) n. 1303/2013, which identifies 11 Thematic Objectives underlying the implementation of the Cohesion Policy, in turn aligned with the priorities and objectives of the Europe 2020 strategy.


The 13 Priority Axes of ROP 2014-2020 promote a smart, sustainable and inclusive growth of Puglia.


Each Thematic Objective is placed within Axes which also contain Investment Priorities, Specific Objectives and Actions.

Added to this is the specific Axis XII concerning urban and territorial development, built in implementation of articles 7 and 8 of Regulation 1301/2013, integrating the Specific Objectives and Actions of several Thematic Objectives, and Axis XIII dedicated to technical assistance, aimed at improving the efficiency, effectiveness and quality of the financed interventions, as well as verifying and checking them.