Implementation of higher technical education training courses (ITS), aimed at obtaining the Degree of Superior Technician in Implementation of the interventions of the Framework Program Agreement (APQ) of the Internal Area of ​​the Dauni Mountains signed on 06/18/2019

Quando partecipare

dal 10/10/2019 al 21/10/2019
Opportunità scaduta

Through the Public notice for the realization of higher technical education training courses (ITS), aimed at achieving the Diploma of Higher Technician, the Puglia Region intends to promote the strengthening of the offer of Higher Technical Education (ITS) courses, to be carried out within the Monti Dauni Internal Area, as identified by the specific Accordo Programma Quadro, focusing on the technological areas considered strategic for economic development and regional competitiveness, as indicated in the Piano Triennale Territoriale and confirmed by the subsequent 2019-2021 programming, in line with the vocations of the regional territory, both to increase the participation of young people in tertiary education, and to encourage their concrete integration into the work market.


Chi può partecipare

  • Foundations for Higher Technical Education (ITS) for the hospitality and extended tourism industry
  • Foundations for Higher Technical Education (ITS) - Area "New technologies for Made in Italy - Food system - Agri-food production sector"

Cosa finanzia

Standard expenses for the realization of Higher Technical Education training courses (ITS), aimed at obtaining the Higher Technical Diploma according to the following indications:

  • € 330,349.00 for two-year courses involving the provision of 1,800 hours of activity;
  • € 340,335.00 for two-year courses that provide for the provision of 2,000 hours of activity;
  • € 390,265.00 for three-year courses that provide 3,000 hours of work.


Contributo massimo per progetto
390.265 €
Risorse totali disponibili
950.000 €

Come partecipare

The application form can be sent by 11:59 PM on 10/21/2019 only via Certified Electronic Mail (PEC) to the address

The email with the subject "Application for the pilot project - project ____________" must contain the following attachments:

  • Declaration in lieu of certification, given in the forms referred to in art. 46 of the DPR. 445/2000 from the legal representative, compliant with Annex 2 to the Public Notice;
  • Declaration in lieu of certification, given in the forms referred to in art. 46 of Presidential Decree. 445/2000 by each director of the body with representation power, in accordance with Annex 3 to the public notice.


Opportunità scaduta

Condividi linkedin whatsapp
Condividi linkedin whatsapp

Per maggiori informazioni

Consulta il Burp Consulta il BURP

Sezione Formazione Professionale Sezione Formazione Professionale

Responsabile di procedimento

Anna Lobosco

Sezione Formazione Professionale 0805404400

Sezione Formazione Professionale

Responsabile di azione

Anna Lobosco

Sezione Formazione Professionale 0805404400

Sezione Formazione Professionale

Any clarifications on the Public notice may be requested to the Sub-Action Manager 10.3.A, 10.3.B, 10.3.C, 10.3.D, 10.3.E Gabriele Valerio by telephone calling 0805407507 or by writing an email to