Action against early school leaving - POR Puglia 2014-2020

Action 10.1

Action against early school leaving

Within RA 10. 1, and within the above mentioned Line 10. 1, the following action has been indicatively selected, among those indicated in the Partnership Agreement:

Action: 10. 1. 7 VET (Vocational Education and training) training courses, accompanied by communication and supply adjustment actions, in line with the economic and entrepreneurial development guidelines of the territories to increase their attractiveness.

VET training pathways are multi-annual vocational education and training pathways, of regional competence, aimed at achieving professional qualifications or diplomas, implemented as part of the overall reform of the second cycle of education and training. The study paths are aimed, on the one hand, at ensuring the qualified training of children who have interrupted their education and, on the other hand, at facilitating the transition to the labour market. Professional qualifications and diplomas, of regional competence, will be recognised and expendable at national level, and Community, since they are included in a specific national Directory, shared between the State and the Regions by means of agreements dated 27 July 2011 and 19 January 2012.

Main target groups: Students 14 - 19 years old; early school leavers; apprentices ex art. 3, D. Lgs 167/2011, teachers and trainers.

Indicative type of beneficiaries: Region, schools, training agencies, accredited employment services, local authorities, public and private bodies.

Reference territories: Apulia Region.

Contrary to the provisions of the NOP "School", which is mainly aimed at strengthening the public education system, the ROP will give priority to the vocational training system, and only in a complementary way to the NOP will targeted interventions be activated on schools to extend the audience of recipients and ensure greater coverage at the territorial level (possible integration and not overlap). By way of example, with reference to action 10. 2. 2 "Actions of integration and strengthening of the basic disciplinary areas (Italian language, foreign languages, mathematics, sciences, new technologies and new languages) with particular reference to the first and second cycles and also through on-line paths", the NOP will focus its intervention on the strengthening of language skills, new technologies and new languages, while the ROP will continue to act for the strengthening of the basic skills in Italian, Mathematics and Sciences.

On some strategic objectives shared between MIUR and the Region, such as the fight against early school/training leaving, raising levels of education of the adult population, the qualification of the supply of education and vocational training, complementarity will also be guaranteed, as highlighted by the NOP, through selective and targeted national interventions, aimed at favouring contexts that are distinguished by higher needs, such as internal areas, schools and recipients with specific characteristics or needs, in connection with the regional action.

On the methodological level, the synergy between MIUR and the Region has accompanied the entire programming process through a series of bilateral meetings that took place before the formal sending of the ROP.

The interlocutor is continuing through moments of dedicated discussion between the Ministry of Education and the Region, to which will be added the establishment of a national round table to accompany the operational planning, which will see the participation of the Ministry of Education, the Managing Authorities of the ROP and the thematic referents, within which to report and educate the technical issues related to the management/implementation of actions in the field of education.

Calls and notices

Until time runs out  22/06/0218 - 02/08/2018

OF 2018 - Offerta Formativa di Istruzione e Formazione Professionale

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OF 2015 - Offerta Formativa di istruzione e formazione professionale

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