VII axis

Priority Axis VII - Transports systems and network infrastructures

The policies for efficient and sustainable mobility that Puglia intends to promote in the present programming cycle are aimed at accelerating the evolution of local communities towards sustainable development, social cohesion and competitiveness of the local productive system.

The proposed actions rely on the infrastructural arrangement of the regional transport system, achieved thanks to the interventions of the programming cycle, which is now drawing to a close. They are already bearing fruit, for example in the rail sector, where the renewal of equipment and technology, together with the expansion of rolling stock, has made a major contribution to the growth in demand met by regional rail transport, which has increased by an average of 10% in recent years.
The basic objective of this strategy, in line with European and national guidelines and in continuity with the previous programming cycle, is the completion and improvement of a regional network for the transport of passengers and goods based on co-modality (use of the combination of means that guarantee the most efficient and, therefore, also more environmentally sustainable travel conditions) and integration.

Integration, in particular, concerns several aspects: integration between infrastructures and between services of different systems or rank, but also landscape integration, aiming at solutions that not only avoid damage to the renowned Apulian landscape but offer a significant contribution to its enhancement.

Specific objectives

  • To increase the rail supply and improve the service in terms of quality and journey times (RA 7.1) 
  • To strengthen the connections of secondary and tertiary nodes to the ten-t network (RA 7.4)
  • To strengthen the regional railway system, modal integration and improving multimodal connections with the main productive and logistical urban nodes and the central, global and local network (RA 7.3)
  • To increase the competitiveness of the port and inter-port system (RA 7.2) 

Calls and notices

Until resources run out  05/07/2018

Interventions of seabed dredging and management of extracted sediments
