XI axis

Priority Axis XI - Strenghtening the institutional capacity of the authorities

The Europe 2020 strategy clearly shows how much and how Administrative Capacity Building (ACB) is inevitably a decisive condition in any action for growth and cohesion. In this sense, the Region will not be able to ignore actions that enhance the quality of human resources (skills), the characteristics of the organization, the robustness of performance management systems, the level of digitization, but also the management of inter-institutional relations and relations with stakeholders. 

In fact, the objective of an efficient Public Administration at the service of development policies is part of a path already outlined by the European Commission in its Position Paper on Italy; the National Reform Programme (NRP) places its emphasis on the need for the contribution of the Public Administration. 
Administration to the economic and social development of the country. 

Specifically, the Region synergistically imposes its action on several lines of action. Some of these actions are: the reduction of bureaucratic burdens (simplification), the prevention and combating of corruption and transparency (in addition to measures relating to digitization), as well as the increased use of shared modes of intervention, based on the involvement of the territories and on the network of strategic actors that act on this.

Specific objectives

  • Increasing transparency and interoperability, and access to public data (RA 11.1) 
  • Improvement of the performance of the Public Administration - introduction of elements of customer satisfaction (RA 11.3) 
  • Improving the efficiency and quality of the performance of the judicial system (RA 11.4) 
  • Increase of the levels of integrity and legality in the action of the PA also for the fight against undeclared work (RA 11.5) 
  • Improving multi-level governance and the capacity of bodies involved in the implementation and management of operational programmes (RA 11.6) 

Calls and notices

Until time runs out  29/06/2018 - 10/10/2018

Discrimination Free Puglia