I axis

Priority Axis I - Research, Technological Development and Innovation

The research and innovation objectives are consistent with the definition of the “Regional strategy of intelligent specialisation" aimed at the maximum integration of regional policies that have an impact on the knowledge chain - economic development - quality of life with the initiatives to promote the internationalization of the regional innovation system.

Under the Thematic Objective “Strengthening research, technological development and innovation" SmartPuglia2020 finds its application through: 

1) the updating and completion of instruments aimed at supporting the supply of innovation (aid to strengthen the players in the regional innovation system and their cooperation) and public demand for innovation (innovative public procurement); 

2) integrations with support for digital growth, the connection between the training and professional needs of the production system, between the training offer at regional level and interventions to support access to credit for private investment in research and development; 

3) the provision of aid for research and innovation for enterprises, both large and small and medium-sized.

Specific objectives

  • Increasing the innovation activity of enterprises (RA 1.1) 
  • Promotion of new markets for innovation (RA 1.3) 
  • Increase in the incidence of innovative specialisations in knowledge-intensive perimeters (RA 1.4) 
  • Strengthening the regional innovation system (RA 1.2) 
  • Enhancing the capacity to develop excellence in R&I (RA 1.5)

Calls and notices

Until resources run out  10/04/2019

Innoaid - Sostegno per l'acquisto di servizi per l'innovazione tecnologica, strategica, organizzativa e commerciale delle imprese

  09/05/2022 - 23/06/2022

Progetti di potenziamento dell’infrastruttura di ricerca di rilevanza regionale “Airport Test Bed” di Taranto-Grottaglie

Until resources run out  15/06/2015

Aiuti ai programmi di investimento per le grandi imprese - Contratti di Programma - Titolo II Capo 1

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