Adaptability measures - POR Puglia 2014-2020
Action 8.9
Adaptability measures
Under RA 8. 6, and under the above mentioned Line 8. 9, the following action has been indicatively selected from those indicated in the Partnership Agreement:
Action: 8. 6. 1 Integrated active and passive policy actions, including retraining and outplacement of workers involved in crisis situations linked to corporate conversion and restructuring plans
Examples of activities that the Puglia Region, with the intention of supporting and directing training initiatives in favour of workers to update and increase their skills and at the same time promote the competitiveness of enterprises, intends to carry out are:
- company and/or multi-company training plans;
- sectoral training plans concerning areas/matters of common interest that meet the needs of several companies located on the regional territory and belonging to the same production sector;
- territorial training plans or those referring to a specific area of the territory and/or district areas, local work systems, etc. ;
- training plans aimed at employment.
“Training plan” means a comprehensive programme of training actions agreed between the social partners concerned, responding to the needs of one or more enterprises or a productive sector.
Training activities, also in e-learning, aimed at fostering adaptability processes, in response to specific needs of enterprises, with particular attention to the needs of those investing in the Region, also benefiting from ERDF measures, to strengthen their impact on the territory, can therefore be financed. The use of e-learning platforms, as well as the provision of other measures and procedures aimed at simplifying the process of matching training demand and supply (e.g. the establishment of training supply catalogues linked to specific business requirements) will be instrumental in making the process of planning and delivering training more effective.
In addition to the training activities, flexicurity actions, work placement/re-insertion training courses and recruitment incentives can be supported.
In synergy with the actions provided for in ERDF Axis IV “Sustainable energy and quality of life” and Axis VI “Protection of the environment and promotion of natural and cultural resources”, the Region also intends to promote, for the target audience, training courses aimed at increasing skills and abilities in areas related to the green economy or the blue economy. Potential paths could concern the following figures: Waste collection and disposal technician, Expert technician in toxic industrial products recycling treatment, Environmental assessment technician, Eco-auditor, experts in Ecotourism, expert in marketing of quality products and/or green tourism within the Natura 2000 Network, Technician for the conservation of habitats and species in the Natura 2000 Network, Technician for environmental and biodiversity monitoring.
The main target groups to which the actions are directed are: employed and non-employed persons benefiting from exceptional social security schemes, training institutions.
The types of beneficiaries of the measures, on the other hand, are private entities, enterprises and training organisations.
The Apulia Region is the territory in which the measures are applied.
Indicative type of beneficiaries: Region, Companies, Training Organisms, Patronage, Bilateral Bodies, Local Bodies, Public Bodies and Private Bodies.