Qualification and empowerment of institutions, operators, stakeholders of the public administration - POR Puglia 2014-2020
Action 11.2
Qualification and empowerment of institutions, operators, stakeholders of the public administration
- (11.3.2) Definition of disciplinary standards of quality of service, development of quality systems, monitoring and evaluation of performance and service standards.
- (11.3.3) Actions of qualification and empowerment of institutions, operators and stakeholders [including staff involved in education, training, employment and employment services and social policies, health services staff, staff of local authorities (e. g. SUAP e SUE), customs, police].
- (11.3.4) Actions to strengthen and qualify the demand for innovation of the PA, through the development of skills aimed at the use of “Pre-commercial public procurement".
- (11.3.5) Interventions to support the development of functional skills for the implementation of innovation processes in the management of health services.
- (11.3.6) Actions to develop and strengthen inter-institutional networking and stakeholder involvement, with particular reference to social services, employment services, health protection services, educational and training institutions.
- (11.3.7) Interventions for the improvement of administrative, central and regional capacity, for the integration of environmental sustainability [through: coaching and on-the-job training on targeted project packages aimed at local actors involved in different levels of the process, strengthening of networks between authorities involved, for the dissemination of positive results, benchmarking, knowledge sharing].
These are actions to qualify skills for PA operators and stakeholders, aimed at strengthening the ability to respond to citizens and to simplify the implementation processes of policies. The aim will be to qualify the services on offer, with particular reference to those supporting the implementation of employment policies, social policies, policies for competitiveness, etc. Actions to support processes that introduce innovations and aim to simplify bureaucratic procedures will also be promoted.
More specifically, targeted and specialised training activities could be financed, both in terms of strengthening legal-administrative skills, with particular reference to the management of public contracts and incentive tools for businesses, and in terms of the adequacy of the procedures adopted. Consultancy actions for better organisation of processes and networking of functions and services, also in synergy with what has been achieved under RA 11.1, with reference to the management and interoperability of information bases, will be financed, too.
Finally, it is planned to invest in the quality of services, performance measurement and evaluation, through specific projects aimed at defining service standards, also through the identification and import of good practices, the evaluation of national or European benchmarks.
Main target groups: personnel in the public administration
Indicative type of beneficiaries: Region and other public administrations
Reference territories: Apulia Region.