Measures to reorganise and strengthen publicly-owned territorial health and social services - POR Puglia 2014-2020
Action 9.12
Measures to reorganise and strengthen publicly-owned territorial health and social services
The planned actions refer to the strengthening of the network of public provision of publicly owned territorial health services.
In particular, examples of activities considered eligible relate to the following actions:
- completion of the plan for the conversion of disused hospital facilities in application of the Plan for the reorganisation of the hospital network implemented in the region as a result of Regional Law no. 18/20 I O and subsequent amendments and integrations, for the construction of new public territorial health facilities, such as territorial assistance facilities, specialist outpatient clinics, advisory services and facilities for specialist diagnostics, departmental facilities for prevention, mental health and addiction;
- support for the conversion of public property for the construction of non-hospital health facilities for intensive care for severely dependent elderly people, for palliative care for cancer patients and terminally ill people, for the extensive rehabilitation of people with severe disabilities;
- strengthening of the technological equipment in the health centres of reference for the social and health districts, publicly owned for the activities of specialist diagnostics and outpatient surgery, for the modernization of the network of blood collection points, for the strengthening of the services provided with the help of telemedicine in the context of home health and social and health care, as well as diagnosis and treatment technologies for the strengthening of the hospital-territory integration;
- support for investments by public authorities for the implementation of interventions aimed at completing the supply chains of territorial health and rehabilitation services for chronic patients, to reduce the institutionalization of care and the use of inappropriate hospital admissions.
Concerning the Hospital infrastructures, they will not be financed as part of the infrastructure network and the provision of health and social-health services in the area:
- the entire population of Apulia
For specific objective 9f), it is identified:
Type of beneficiaries: Local Health Authorities, Hospitals, Public IRCCS, Puglia Region, ARES
Reference territories: the whole territory of the Apulia Region, considering the articulations of the socio-sanitary districts/social and territorial ambits of the ASL.