Interventions to combat housing problems - POR Puglia 2014-2020
Action 9.9
Interventions to combat housing problems
Under RA 9. 4, the following actions have been indicatively selected from those indicated in the Partnership Agreement: 9. 4. 2.
This action contributes to the Specific Objective by supporting the paths of social inclusion activated with projects customized by the Municipalities in favour of particular targets of more vulnerable people, i.e. at risk of social marginality in the communities in which they live, with concrete support measures for assisted living, which exclude in any case economic intervention in support of rents and / or arrears blameless, being such interventions already charged to the ordinary regional budget. In this case, the resources available under the ESF must make it possible to support housing in Community-type structures, with low welfare intensity, but with structural and organisational standards such as to encourage:
- the quality of life and autonomy possible for older people, people with disabilities and those who are not self-sufficient, including through literacy with respect to the use of assistive technology and Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) for users and their families;
- accessibility in social structures of a Community type with an innovative structure both for their structural characteristics (eco-sustainability, absence of architectural barriers, etc....) and the provision of services to people with psychosocial frailties, such as stabilized psychiatric patients leaving therapeutic-rehabilitative pathways and with social reintegration needs, elderly people with dementia not in advanced stage , disabled without family support , people with special conditions , in order to test sustainable solutions of cohousing and to live independently in society with shared personal services;
- the reception in residential facilities 24 hours a day of Community character (groups apartment, facilities for adults in difficulty, other facilities referred to in the Reg . R. n. 4/2007 and subsequent amendments and additions) and day cycle h 12 for the reception of adults in conditions of specific social fragility or at risk of marginalization such as ex-prisoners and those who are subjected to alternative measures to the custodial sentence, also experimenting with paths of social inclusion that can combine the objective of reception and care with the start of socially useful work in apartment buildings or networks of mutual aid.
This measure should also be seen in the context of a wider and more ambitious set of actions that the Apulia Region has launched with the Regional Law no. 22 of 20 May 2014, which set up the Regional Agencies for Housing and Living (ARCA), and which introduce numerous initiatives (all charged to the regional budget) that address social and sustainable housing issues in an innovative way, in any case from the regional budget, and that do not will absorb EFSF resources.
These resources include: the allocation of a rental fund to support innocent tenants who are in default; the definition of the innocent delinquency, of unemployment or serious illness resulting in the impossibility or serious difficulty of carrying out the regular payment of the rent; the introduction of the institute of innocent arrearage, defined as follows, for the new discipline for the allocation and determination of rents for public residential housing; the provision, in one with the reform of the lACP, of the Agencies for Rent, usually inter-municipal, aimed at encouraging the meeting between supply and demand.
The actions that contribute to the specific objective "Reduction of the number of families with particular social and economic fragility in conditions of housing distress" take the following as their main target groups:
- prisoners and ex-convicts;
- other people in a particularly disadvantaged and fragile situation that have already been taken over by the Municipalities of reference with personalized and multi-professional projects.
Reference territories: the whole territory of the Apulia Region.
Indicative type of beneficiaries: Individual and associated municipalities in territorial social areas in accordance with art. 5 of l. r. n. 19/2006, personal services companies, foundations, companies and social cooperatives, Third Sector organizations, Regional Agencies for Housing and Housing (formerly IACP), Patronage.