Interventions aimed at creating networks that strengthen employment services, increasing the capacity to intercept the needs of the territory - POR Puglia 2014-2020
Action 8.11
Interventions aimed at creating networks that strengthen employment services, increasing the capacity to intercept the needs of the territory
Under RA 8. 7, and under the above mentioned Line 8. 11, the following actions have been indicatively selected from those indicated in the Partnership Agreement:
Action : 8. 7. 2 Integration and consolidation of the Eures network within the employment services and full actions for transnational mobility and nationwide
Action : 8. 7. 4 Strengthening the link with other labour market actors with particular regard to those of a public nature (schools, universities, chambers of commerce, municipalities)
EURES (European Employment Services) is a network for cooperation, information and market orientation aimed at promoting the free movement of workers within the European Economic Area. The network, created in 1993 by the will of the European Commission, provides for the matching of supply and demand for employment between the different public systems, for employment at Community level. It is an international partnership which mobilises Member States' public employment services and other regional, national and international professionals: Ministry of Labour, Local Authorities (Regions and Provinces), Trade Unions, Employers' Associations, Companies specialised in recruitment and selection of personnel. The network is coordinated by the European Commission.
The main objectives of EURES are:
- to inform, guide and advise workers applying for mobility on job opportunities and living and working conditions in the EU, and to provide them with information and advice on the possibilities of working in the European Economic Area;
- to assist employers who intend to employ workers from other countries;
- to provide information and assistance to jobseekers and jobseekers in cross-border regions.
Therefore, examples of activities that the Region intends to carry out concern the strengthening of the network, enhancing its effects in the context of the public offer of services at work. Initiatives will be promoted to disseminate the instrument, actions to adapt the system, both from the technical point of view and from the point of view of transnational agreements and between operators and businesses. Actions will be planned in close cooperation with the Employment Centres and will be shared through partnerships between national and/or European administrations.
The main target groups for which the measures described are geared are: employed and non-employed persons, beneficiaries of exceptional social security schemes, training institutions.
The beneficiaries of the measures, on the other hand, belong to the following types: public bodies (e. g. Provinces and Regions), private employment services, enterprises and training bodies.
The Apulia Region is the territory in which the measures are applied.
Indicative type of beneficiaries: Public bodies, private employment services, enterprises and training bodies, Bilateral bodies.