Interventions aimed at improving the position in the work environment of young people - POR Puglia 2014-2020

Action 8.4

Interventions aimed at improving the position in the work environment of young people

Within the framework of the RA 8.1, and the above-mentioned Line 8.5, the following actions have been indicatively selected from those indicated in the Partnership Agreement:

Action: 8.1.1 Active policy measures with a particular focus on sectors that offer the greatest prospects for growth (e.g. green economy, blue economy, personal services, social and health services, enhancement of cultural heritage, ICT)

Action: 8.1.2 Incentives for recruitment and other active policy interventions for labour market integration on situations of national relevance in connection with the regions concerned

Action: 8.1.7 Support pathways (accompanying services and/or incentives) to business creation and self-employment, including transfer of undertaking (generational turnover)

As already mentioned, the provided actions integrate the measures promoted under the “Youth Guarantee”, that is the instrument through which the European Union wants to guarantee to subjects without employment or outside the formal education and vocational training system, a path of reintegration into the education and training system, or integration into the world of work (guidance, internships, civil service, support for self-employment and transnational and territorial professional mobility). The support to young people who are not engaged in a work activity or in a school or training course (Neet - Not in Education, Employment or Training) will be realized on the basis of the positive experiences already experimented by the Region, with the Programmes dedicated to young people.

In line with the recommendations of the European Union, moreover, the Puglia Region intends to give continuity to the Measures already provided for by the NOP YEI (Young Employment Initiative), beyond the natural end of the Programme and wants to experiment with new ways to offer concrete learning opportunities aimed at job placement and/or business creation, too.

In particular, the Puglia Region intends to support groups of young people who want to put themselves to the test, experiment in the field, to discover professional opportunities and vocations starting from the problems and opportunities of the territory. To this end, a network of territorial “activators" (youth workers) will work in the field to involve companies, institutions and non-profit bodies and help young people overcome access difficulties.

The initiative called "Active Principles" will be re-proposed, with the aim of encouraging the participation of young people in the active life and development of the territory through the financing of projects conceived and implemented by young people themselves. The objective of this initiative is twofold:

  • towards young people:  to give responsibility, opportunities for learning and direct activation;
  • towards the regional community: to boost innovation and the Apulian social and economic system.

Indicatively, it is planned to promote integrated training and work experience actions (both self-employment and traditional) for the implementation of protection plans and the promotion of the territory (e.g., sustainable development, tourism, urban and rural development, protection and enhancement of the environmental, cultural and artistic heritage, etc. ); for the protection and management of the Natura 2000 Network (e.g. , monitoring of biodiversity, manufacturing of quality products, green tourism, increase and conservation of habitats and species); for the development of the economy of knowledge and innovation (e.g. product and process innovations, media and communication, new technologies etc. ); for social inclusion and active citizenship, for the expansion of the offer of services to citizens.

In order to encourage the creation of businesses by young people, the Region, in line with the Commission's guidelines, is already implementing a strategy of support for new businesses created by disadvantaged people (particularly young people) and to improve access to credit, through the use of financial instruments.

In the light of the experience of recent years, the aid for the creation of new micro-businesses by young people or people belonging to certain disadvantaged groups has been a widespread alternative to the lack of jobs, which is why we intend to continue in the wake of these initiatives (for example the NIDI experience, co-financed by the ERDF), acting according to an integrated logic with the ERDF and the RDP, and focusing on innovative sectors and guidelines of Smart Puglia 2020.

In view of the high rate of female unemployment, the increase in the female activity rate in 2013 and the higher percentage of women compared to men among NEETs, it becomes strategic for the Region to involve as many women as possible in these actions, reserving bonuses for initiatives that will have a high presence of women in the team.

The type of beneficiaries includes the following: Training organizations, private individuals and businesses.

Indicative type of beneficiaries: Region, Companies, Training Organisations, Patronage, Bilateral Bodies, Local Authorities, Public Bodies and Private Bodies.

Calls and notices

Until resources run out  01/09/2016

PIN - Pugliesi Innovativi

Until time runs out  24/10/2018 - 29/11/2018

Nuove Figure Professionali