Interventions aimed at unemployed people - POR Puglia 2014-2020

Action 8.2

Interventions aimed at unemployed people

Under RA 8.5, and under the above mentioned Line 8.2, the following actions have been indicatively selected from those indicated in the Partnership Agreement:

Action: 8. 5. 1 Policy measures, with particular reference to selectors offering the greatest prospects for growth (e. g. in the context of: green economy, blue economy, personal services, social and health services, enhancement of cultural heritage, ICT):

 - 8. 5. 2 Incentives to hiring and other active policy interventions for entering the labour market on situations of national importance in connection with the Regions concerned;

- 8.5.3 Pathways to support business creation and self-employment including the transfer of business (generational change);

-8.5.5 Qualification and re-training measures for the long-term unemployed based on analyses of vocational and training needs in systematic surveys and/or linked to express requests from undertakings.

The priority of raising employment levels in Apulia shell concern not only young people and women, but also all those who have already been expelled or who are at risk of expulsion from the labour market, such as the long-term unemployed, people with a low level of educational attainment with difficulties in finding a job, occupational integration or reintegration, workers of critical age from the point of view of reemployment (over 40 years old), recipients of treatments of wage integration, even in derogation, disabled people, immigrants, women in a condition of serious discrimination, etc.

Ultimately, the need to create a level playing field for all these categories of actors requires targeted actions to be set, in order to develop pathways of integration and to improve reintegration into the labour market, combating all forms of discrimination in access to the labour market. In particular, the Region shall, in respect of the examples of assistance to be financed and the contribution envisaged for the corresponding specific objective, specify in detail is intended to promote indicatively:

A) employability actions, including guidance, traineeships, training initiatives, including in the field of specialist content, as in the case of workers who already have a wealth of theoretical knowledge and practical skills and who require paths aimed at avoiding professional obsolescence or adaptation to changing production and organisational processes; learning processes for obtaining qualifications, mobility to strengthen employment opportunities, flexicurity actions, aimed at reconciling welfare and integration employment, actions capable of integrating active social inclusion tools aimed at increasing employability predictions, in order to raise the social value of such interventions for local communities by combating extreme poverty and the risk of dependency in the medium to long term economic subsidies and any other passive policy;

B) incentives for recruitment, aimed at supporting the dynamics of economic recovery in a consistent manner with the regional unitary strategy and therefore focusing primarily on the economic and innovative sectors and services of Smart Puglia 2020.

With reference to point (A), it is also stressed that the active employment policies that will be promoted are consistent with the regional strategy that aims to promote work/training experiences as part of courses aimed at strengthening the supply of services in the area, which may involve different targets of citizens. The aim will therefore be to operate in an integrated manner, encouraging synergies between several investment priorities of Axis 8 (in addition to the present, for example, the 8.i, the 8. iv) and the Axis 9.

With reference to the regional territory, the potential target groups of this action are the long-term unemployed (or at risk of long-term unemployment), inactive young people, the unemployed, immigrants, workers in the Wages Guarantee Fund, the recipients of ASPI and people in mobility and other disadvantaged people; on the other hand, the type of beneficiaries will be constituted indicatively by the Region itself, the training organizations, companies focused and operational on the regional territory as well as local public and private authorities.

The implementation of all these actions should take into account the cross-cutting principles of "equal opportunities and non-discrimination" and "sustainable development". The first one can be pursued by promoting equal access to employment, through a logic of mainstream intervention aimed at encouraging the raising of the employment rate of women as a complement to the policy promoted under Priority 8.iv); the second one through a particular attention to the evaluation of the impact of interventions on the territorial context taking into account the process and/or product and/or organizational innovations that the beneficiary companies intend to implement and their effects on employment.

The actions will be carried out in coherence with the interventions co-financed with the ERDF, Axis IV Sustainable energy and quality of life" and Axis VI “Protection of the environment and promotion of natural and cultural resources". In particular, training courses will be promoted, including integrated (education/training), aimed at qualifying and enhancing the skills of people at risk, in the “green” sectors currently on the rise. For example, courses can be organised for energy certifiers, photovoltaic systems technicians, waste collection and disposal technicians, eco-auditors, ecotourism experts and environmental assessment technicians.

Indicative type of beneficiaries: Region, Enterprises, Training Bodies, Patronage, Bilateral Bodies, Local Authorities, Public Bodies and Private Bodies.

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