Interventions for conciliation - POR Puglia 2014-2020
Action 8.6
Interventions for conciliation
In the framework of RA 8.2, and of the above-mentioned Line 8.6, the following actions have been indicatively selected, among those indicated in the Partnership Agreement:
Action: 8. 2.1 Voucher and other interventions for reconciliation (women and men inclusive).
Action 8. 2. 4 Measures to promote "corporate welfare" (e. g. devices to support both parents in caring for dependent persons, children and elderly/disabled parents, for complementary social and health services) and new forms of organisation of family friendly work (e. g. a different use of the flexibility of working time, adoption of menu-based working time models, co-working, teleworking, etc.).
This action is part of the Regional Programme of interventions in support of equal opportunities for women and men in a tactic of reconciliation between life and working time of Apulian families.
The measure is intended, on one hand, to lighten the burden of family care, which is still borne predominantly by women today, and, on the other hand, to promote a real cultural change, in the direction of shared responsibility for family care, in order to promote the permanence and career progression of women in employment and the employability of women seeking work, including by supporting them in their need to reconcile during their professional qualification and retraining.
By way of example, conciliation actions will be promoted, also in synergy with the provisions of Axis 9, such as incentives for the creation of new corporate welfare experiences, in the case of employed recipients, or actions to support family life to promote pathways to work (training, internships), in the case of inactive or unemployed. Actions (e.g. recruitment incentives) to combat undeclared work, which often has a gender dimension, will also be promoted.
With reference to corporate welfare actions, the Region intends to encourage the provision of tools to improve organizational contexts and systems of services to people with a view to conciliation to improve organizational well-being and with it the productivity of medium and large enterprises, including through second-level collective bargaining. As an example, the Region will work towards the promotion of the flexibility of working hours, parental leave with supplemental pay by the company, paternity leave at birth (also with measures to support family income and parenthood: (e.g. through the income support of female parental workers with optional abstention/parental leave up to 100% of the reference income), support for access to childcare services, training on discrimination, part time, as a voluntary and reversible tool, etc…
With regard to the target of unemployed or inactive people, taking into account the experience of the 2007/13 programme, in order to allow the use of employment pathways, the provision of vouchers for access to and use of reconciliation services can be proposed again (nurseries, spring sections, play centres for early childhood, play libraries, innovative and experimental services for early childhood, leisure services, home educational assistants, other social services and non-residential educational day-cycle, facilities for minors, transport).
The aim is to encourage the strengthening of an extensive, qualified and differentiated network of socio-educational services for children and adolescents throughout the region, social welfare for people with different skills and people over 65 years of age who are not self-sufficient, in order to promote and ensure conditions of generalized well-being for people and systems.
The main recipients of these interventions, which will be implemented throughout the Region are men and women employed, who have reconciliation needs not only related to family care work, but also to participation in study and training.
Indicative type of beneficiaries: Region, Enterprises, Training Bodies, Patronage, Bilateral Bodies, Local Authorities, Public Bodies and Private Bodies.