Interventions for social innovation - POR Puglia 2014-2020

Action 9.3

Interventions for social innovation

Under RA 9.1, and with reference to point 2 of the expected results, the following action has been selected from those indicated in the Partnership Agreement: 9. 1. 4.

The interventions planned under regional direction for the direct selection of experimental projects and beneficiaries, as well as for the impact assessment, are aimed at:

  • encouraging innovative corporate and inter-company welfare projects aimed at promoting the social well-being of the individual and the family, promoted by business networks and promoting public-private partnerships;
  • boosting the adoption of business flexibility plans for a work organisation favourable to family-work reconciliation and business productivity;
  • developing integrated corporate and territorial welfare models in order to encourage social development and promote family-work reconciliation;
  • promoting the maintenance of employment, in particular for women, after the birth of a child, by supporting the family in its care tasks;
  • favouring innovative paths in the field of climate change for the social and working integration in a sector with high potential.

These interventions will also be directed at regional level for the direct selection of innovative projects and beneficiaries, as well as for the monitoring of results of the trial, and addressed to:

- activating social innovation sites to experiment with legal forms (e. g. community coop., participatory foundations, European SCE-society coop.,...), capable of activating welfare communities and public-private partnerships for socially responsible leadership;

- planning, developing and reshaping the relationship between home services and relief admissions in residential facilities, including through the use of new technologies;

- promoting experiences of mutual aid and crowdfunding of social work to make accessible to the most disadvantaged citizens social and health services costs

- fostering experiences of contact with the world of work for young unemployed professionals;

- promoting the animation of public spaces for citizens to promote social cohesion (social spaces, social gardens for solidarity between generations);

- developing digital platforms for social enterprise networks and for the accessibility of services offered to the territory.

Indicative type of beneficiary: Region, individual and associated municipalities in territorial social areas pursuant to Article 5 of Regional Law No 19/2006, other public bodies, personal services companies, foundations, social enterprises and cooperatives, third sector organisations, to be selected in each case by means of public procedures.

Reference territories: the whole territory of the Apulia Region. The allocation of resources available for this investment priority will be distributed on the basis of territorial equity with respect to the main demographic and social criticality indicators. The specific objective identifies as the reference TARGET:

  • all people at risk of poverty and exclusion (as identified in the ISTAT-Indagine EU-SILC survey) who require interventions for their employability but also interventions for social inclusion and empowerment of the person;
  • people with disabilities, mental, motor or sensory; stabilized psychiatric patients, and in particular users already taken care of by the public network of health and social services (ASL-Commune).
  • women and children victims of abuse, mistreatment and violence - prisoners and ex-prisoners,
  • victims of violence or severe exploitation, young people in degraded urban settings, stabilized psychiatric patients.


To increase the employability prediction of the most vulnerable people, through integrated and multidimensional active inclusion pathways, supporting them with personalized care projects and protected pathways that support them in the possibility of working.