Interventions for the promotion and fruition of the natural heritage - POR Puglia 2014-2020

Action 6.6

Interventions for the promotion and fruition of the natural heritage

Examples of activities are:

  • Interventions for the protection and enhancement of areas of natural attraction of strategic importance (actions by Programme Agreement 6.6.1), with reference to:
  • Redevelopment and reconstruction of degraded landscapes with methods and techniques of naturalistic engineering and landscape architecture;
  • creation of open spaces with a high degree of naturalness for the enhancement of the ecological resilience of the coastal ecotone (restoration of the systems of the natural protection against erosion and saline intrusion and the natural mechanisms of beach nourishment);
  • interventions to strengthen naturalistic connections and ecological connectivity between the coast and the hinterland;
  • removal of detractors of landscape quality, relocation of network infrastructures and related spaces, naturalistic restoration;
  • upgrading of the historical access roads to the urban centres, through the unitary regulation of the manufactures and/or the protection of the elements of value (rows of trees, villas peri-urban) also for the purpose of establishing ecological urban networks.

This action is integrated, in particular with regard to coastal protected areas and the coastal landscape, with maintenance and re-naturalisation of green infrastructure and ecosystem services, as well as with measures to reduce hydrogeological and erosion risks coastal.

  • Support to the diffusion of knowledge and the fruition of natural heritage through the creation of innovative services and/or systems and the use of advanced technologies (action from Programme Agreement 6.6.2), with reference to:
  • production of specific representations of the landscape values described for each reference area;
  • creation of innovative systems and services for the use of resources;
  • dissemination activities that are essential for raising the skills and qualifications of human capital and the networks of operators in the field of naturalistic and cultural valorisation;
  • development of tools for the regulation of anthropic activities potentially impacting on habitats or populations of wildlife species conservation objective;
  • integrated actions for the creation of multifunctional green infrastructure and the improvement of the microclimate;
  • specific actions of networking and awareness raising and communication on the Natura 2000 Network;

Beneficiaries: Apulia Region, public bodies and administrations, managing bodies of protected areas.

Calls and notices

Until time runs out  08/02/2018 - 08/05/2018

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Realizzazione di progetti per la Rete Ecologica Regionale

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Green infrastructure projects