Interventions for the reduction of housing problems - POR Puglia 2014-2020

Action 9.13

Interventions for the reduction of housing problems

Examples of activities to be carried out contributing to this specific objective are closely linked to Actions eligible for funding with ESF within the same Axis and specific objective:

  • Interviewees for the enhancement and redevelopment of the public housing stock and for the recovery of housing in the municipalities and the former lACP to increase the availability of social housing, including through experimentation with innovative models of social cohousing and sustainable living under public ownership, aimed at stabilizing the housing of people in conditions of severe housing distress and integration socio-economic aspects of these measures, with Community-type interventions (action by Programme Agreement 9. 4. 1);
  • Renovation of public heritage homes for the purpose of independent living (Ambient Assisted Living) for people who are severely dependent and socially vulnerable (action by Programme Agreement 9. 4. 4).

The operations eligible under this action are:

  • interventions aimed at removing architectural barriers to the development of life in a domestic environment in conditions of possible autonomy for non-self-sufficient people, primarily in densely populated public heritage condominiums;
  • interventions aimed at experimenting with the implementation of devices for I' AAL - Ambient Assisted Living in heritage homes public housing.
  • Strengthening of a single regional registry of public housing assignees, to counter the risk of fraud and improve the management of priorities for access to social housing: this measure will be implemented throughout the region and will integrate within it also any specific actions that may emerge as a need expressed by the Metropolitan Area of Bari, in order to avoid any duplication with the actions provided for in the NOP Metro for the reduction of housing distress (action by Programme Agreement 9. 4. 5).

In general, as part of the interventions for the reduction of housing problems will be considered a prerequisite for their approval in favour of municipalities and other public entities proposing, the contextualization of the same and the urban context of reference with respect to the mapping of the public housing stock existing on a regional scale, as well as a timely socio-economic analysis of social groups subject to intervention, with specific reference to the elderly population, with specific social and economic fragility. To this end, the availability of detailed information maps on housing discomfort and the state of the public housing stock, drawn up by the ORCA - Regional Observatory of the Housing Condition, should already be considered at this stage as being consultable at the links indicated below and which represent the basis for the contextualisation of the detailed analyses that each Body will have to develop in order to complete the project proposal for which it is responsible for:

link 1: housing discomfort - php?option =com _ conteni& view=artic le& id=5 I & Item id=65

link 2: the ERP heritage -

http:// orca.regione. pugl ia. it/index.php?option =com _ content&v iew=category & layout=blog& id=7 l &Item id=66

Types of beneficiaries: Individual and associated municipalities, Third Sector organisations regional network of regional agencies for housing and living (formerly IACP)

Reference territories
The whole territory of the Apulia Region

In order to promote the social integration of families of Roma, Sinti and Camminanti of first arrival and not yet integrated in urban contexts in which they have stopped (action by Programme Agreement 9. 5. 6), giving life to small semi-stantial communities, becomes necessary:

  • to finance investment projects of the municipalities concerned, mainly in urban centres where there are residual settlements of Roma, Sinti and walkers close to urban suburbs (e. g. Foggia, Lecce, Modugno-Bitonto, and other locations), to encourage desegregation and the full housing integration of these groups, for the realization of housing modules for public residential reception in apartment groups, however integrated in the urban fabric and in the local community, in order to support a more articulated temporal process leading to full economic and social integration and access to permanent housing within the framework of public housing;
  • support social experiments for the self-construction of eco-sustainable building units for housing and integration into the fabric in the Commission's proposal for a Directive on the promotion of urban development in which non-aggregated and long-established households live, as part of public ownership initiatives.

The interventions will be combined with accompanying measures tailored to the needs and degree of the same families or individuals recipients.

To this end, it is represented with the necessary summary required by this document, that the Regional Observatory of Housing Condition (ORCA Puglia) has experimented with a methodology of analysis of housing discomfort, conducted at municipal level throughout the Region, aimed at building a map of such discomfort in Apulia. Given the multidimensional nature of housing deprivation, it was necessary to arrive at a synthesis of these aspects that will make it possible to identify those municipalities in which, due to the coexistence of several phenomena related to the discomfort or their intensity, in a subsequent phase of further analysis will be directed to the attention of the Observatory.

For this purpose, a multiple-criteria analysis was used. This is a type of analysis that allows, given the alternatives of choice and identified a set of criteria (represented by a set of indicators) for the choice, to reach an order (a ranking) among the alternatives that allows to identify those that best adhere to the criteria set. The criteria used can be of different types and this allows you to take into account the multiple dimensions of the problem at stake. In our case, the alternatives were represented by the 258 Apulian municipalities, for which we have received at the end to a ranking of them from the one with the highest probability of discomfort to the one with the lowest probability. The choice of criteria was made subject to the following conditions of availability of data on a municipal scale. In fact, the only database available is the ISTAT data from the last census available (2001).

Some indicators can be associated with the forms of discomfort of which we have said, suitably weighed by a panel of experts. The ranking thus obtained was used to classify the Apulian municipalities as groups with different degrees of probable housing discomfort. In particular, the groups range from position number 1 to number 50, from position 51 to 100, from 101 to 150, from 151 to 200 and from 200 I to 258. The results obtained in this way have been reported in the appropriate information system and are visible in the map of discomfort, which can be consulted with all the detail of the case to the following link:

The main target groups are the following: semi-stantial groups and communities of Roma, Sinti and Walkers of first arrival and not integrated.

Type of beneficiaries: individual and associated municipalities in social territorial ambits according to art. 5 of the 1. r. n. 19/2006.

Reference territories: the whole territory of the Apulia Region, with specific reference to the main Roma settlements registered in particular in the territory of the cities of Foggia, Bari-Modugno-Bitonto, Lecce-Panareo.