Interventions for the strengthening of social enterprises - POR Puglia 2014-2020
Action 9.6
Interventions for the strengthening of social enterprises
Under RA 9. 7, the following actions have been selected from those set out in the Partnership Agreement: 9. 7. 1 and 9. 7. 3.
- Innovative interventions for the strengthening of social enterprises and Third Sector organizations, as well as their networks, with respect to the sites of social reporting, corporate welfare, ethical certification of organizations and certification of quality of services provided, innovation with respect to legal forms that consolidate the investment capacity of organizations;
- activation of social innovation sites to test legal forms (e.g. community coop., foundations of participation, European Cooperative Societies (SCEs),...
- actions to favour shared platforms (open data) for the knowledge of the immense patrimony available to local public institutions deriving from the assets confiscated from the mafias and the activation of ideas and public-private alliances for the regeneration of a inhabited centre or district through the reuse of confiscated assets, unused public areas and containers;
- widespread awareness-raising and legality education initiatives, with active participation in projects for urban regeneration by young people, with the generation of social capital and time for community work in urban contexts most at risk of urban social degradation;
- innovative projects and start-ups of social enterprises aimed at the reconstruction of the local identity, and activities of social animation and collective participation related to the functional recovery of disused buildings and assets confiscated from the mafias (9. 6. 7). This action will be activated both in support of the Investment Plans of the Social Territorial Ambits and in support of the interventions of the Axis I "Sustainable Urban Development", and their intervention is foreseen only on a local scale and in a strictly integrated way (for objectives and times) with the Local Action Plans and with the regeneration interventions (Axis XII) and with the social intervention plans of the single or associated Municipalities already identified as beneficiaries in the remaining Axis IX, avoiding any risk of overlap with the Legality NAP and between the same Axes IX and XII for urban contexts that will be affected by the PALs. To this end, appropriate criteria for the selection of operations will be specified.
These actions are implemented in order to promote the quality of the presence of third sector organizations in the territory of reference, and of their networks, in terms of empowerment of the same organizations, quality of the organizations, growth of the managerial capacity within the organizations, development of networks and ability to ally with social enterprises and other companies, and also in terms of communication and information skills, orientation and promotion of accessibility of its services, and as well as for experimentation of innovation within its organizations with the dissemination of social reporting, experiences of corporate welfare and ethical certification of the same organizations.
The eligible actions are those referred to in Actions 9. 7. 1 and 9. 7. 3 of the Partnership Agreement (RA 9. 7) and provide for the selection and funding of integrated training projects, on-the-job training, innovation laboratories and exchanges of good practice.
Indicative type of beneficiaries: Region, public and private bodies, social enterprises, Third Sector organizations, Patronage.