Action 6.1

Measures to optimise the management of urban waste

Examples of activities that are intended to be carried out are the following:

  • Implementation of the actions provided for in the prevention and promotion plans for the dissemination of domestic and community composting practices (action by Programme Agreement 6.1.1)

Under this action it is intended to:

  • encourage the adoption of Waste Prevention Plans within the ATO;
  • promote the spread of domestic and community composting practices;
  • to encourage the reduction of waste within public canteens;
  • encourage the reduction of plastic production through the purchase of municipal stations for microfiltration of public water;
  • achieve actions for the adoption of procedures for Green Purchases in the PA;
  • communication campaign on sustainable consumption and waste reduction.
  • Implementation of the best systems for separate collection and an adequate network of collection centres (action by Programme Agreement 6.1.2)

The aim of the action is to implement:

  • spneumatic differentiated waste collection systems. The pneumatic collection and transport of waste applies the pneumatic vacuum on a large scale, as is the case every day for many industrial products (cereals, cement, coal, etc. ) and commercial products (documents, money, medicines, etc. );
  • municipal or inter-municipal collection centres for urban waste and similar to differentiated urban waste.
  • Strengthening of plant equipment for the treatment and recovery, including energy, in order to close the management cycle, based on the principles of self-sufficiency, territorial proximity and minimisation of environmental impacts (action by Programme Agreement 6.1.3), through:
  • construction of plants for the treatment of the organic fraction with aerobic and/or anaerobic digestion process. Revamping/Conversion of public bio-stabilisation plants;

  • fulfilment of plants for the treatment and recovery of secondary raw materials. Revamping of existing public installations;
  • freactivation of public CMRDs.

The types of beneficiaries are: ATO - Municipalities in single or associated form, Territorial Agency of the Apulia Region for the waste management service.

Calls and notices

Until resources run out  29/08/2019 - 28/02/2020

Interventions aimed at the implementation or extension and/or adaptation of municipal waste collection centers