Hydraulic risk mitigation programme - POR Puglia 2014-2020
Hydraulic risk mitigation programme
A regional programme of measures to mitigate hydraulic risk and protect the soil has been approved by the Council, on the proposal of Councillor Giovanni Giannini. The programme will provide structural interventions for the prevention and mitigation of hydraulic risk against hydrogeological instability. 19 interventions were eligible for funding, for a total of more than 80 million euro. With the previous Resolution of the Regional Council of April 19, 2016 first regional program of shipbuilding interventions in the field of soil protection has already been approved. This program has been financed with the resources of the ROP Puglia 2014-2020.
With this programme, 68 interventions for a total of more than 112 million euro have already been admitted for financing for structural interventions for the prevention and mitigation of hydrogeological risk, favouring the criterion of shipbuilding. Currently, Community resources have been committed from the ROP Puglia 2014-2020 for interventions against hydrogeological instability, for a total of more than 190 million euros.