Action 9.4

Responsibility interventions aimed at social and labour inclusion

actions have been selected from those set out in the Partnership Agreement: 9 .2 .1 and 9 . 2. 2.

Interventions for the disabled

Interventions aimed at promoting the activation of all the agencies responsible for the multidimensional evaluation of functional capacities and profile of specific skills of people with disabilities, for the construction of personalized projects of social and health care, tutoring, social care, etc. for work placement, accompanying economic autonomy, also encouraging self-employment in collaboration with the forms of cooperatives oriented towards the integration of disadvantaged people, as well as integrated projects for the independent living of people with motor, sensory and not serious mental disabilities.

In particular, the activities envisaged will allow the dissemination throughout the region and in the extended network of public and private agencies competent to:


  1. ICF model [International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health], also personalized, in order to evaluate the autonomies and the functional skills in order to build individualised socio-educational and socio-job projects;
  2. financial engineering instruments such as guarantee funds for access to credit, social microcredit, social and employment integration and the self-employment of people with disabilities;
  3. professional training and job placement paths to integrate take-over projects in public facilities; or agreements with public bodies with daytime or residential cycle of severely disabled for the construction of possible paths of autonomy ("after us")

Interventi per altri soggetti svantaggiati

Interventions for other disadvantaged people

Specific interventions for the inclusion of disadvantaged people in the labour market to complete social care pathways already activated by the municipalities, with priority for those most vulnerable people for whom the municipalities have activated extraordinary measures of residential reception (facilities for adults in difficulty, for pregnant women and single mothers with children, for people subject to measures restricting their liberty as an alternative to imprisonment and for ex-prisoners,..). The intervention in all these cases will be implemented with:

  1. training and job training courses;
  2. personalised tutoring, guidance and support projects for job placement;
  3. individualised projects to accompany the self-employed company, including the use of financial engineering instruments such as guarantee funds for access to credit, social microcredit and corporate tutoring.

All interventions will take care to privilege:

  • the identification of an integrated methodology aimed at increasing the self-esteem of the recipients of the interventions through integrated experimental activities;
  • the construction of reintegration paths that start from the employment field and draw around the subject a mix of interventions aimed at effectively supporting him in the path of integration into its community with targeted actions, related to the specific need of which the subject is the bearer.
  • individual and group orientation and accompaniment actions with the contribution of qualified professional figures (linguistic and intercultural mediators, social and professional educators, social workers) in support of social and working integration paths, also supported by founding paths, in which the final recipients are engaged.

It is also stressed that the active employment policies to be promoted are consistent with the regional strategy of promoting work/training experiences. Since these interventions are aimed at different targets, the aim will be to operate in an integrated manner, promoting synergies with Axis 8 and between the interventions promoted under this Specific Objective and those under Specific Objective 9. 1.

Indicative type of beneficiaries: Region, personal services companies, training bodies, Companies, Patronage, Bilateral bodies, local bodies, public bodies and private bodies.

Calls and notices

Until resources run out  02/09/2016 - 28/02/2019

ReD - Reddito di Dignità pugliese

Until resources run out  24/06/2019

ReD 3.0 - Reddito di Dignità pugliese 2019

Until time runs out  06/03/2017 - 07/04/2017

Inclusione sociale per le persone in esecuzione penale