Action 1.2

Measures to support the economic exploitation of innovation and the industrialisation of research results (action by Programme Agreement 1.1.3)

Examples of activities to be carried out are:

  • investment in tangible assets linked to investment in research and development for the acquisition of services for large companies. Large companies can be financed in the industrialisation phase where this refers to the exploitation of technologies or innovative solutions in processes, products/services and organisational formulas. In line with the Community guidelines on the need to increase the contribution of European industry to the creation of overall added value, this line of action is intended to further strengthen the creation of a territorial environment more conducive to growth and to the economic and employment development of Apulian manufacturing industry.
    This process could be implemented starting from the effects that the investments of larger companies are able to generate both on the employment front in a direct way, both in terms of the processes of innovation and smart specialisation of the induced system of local SMEs, to which is added the contribution to the overall growth of levels of productivity and income (Action by Programme Agreement 1.1.3).

The types of beneficiaries are large enterprises.