Interventions to support ICT solutions in the production processes of SMEs. - POR Puglia 2014-2020

Action 3.7

Interventions to support ICT solutions in the production processes of SMEs.

Examples of activities to be carried out are aimed at the diffusion of ICT in SMEs through targeted aid to SMEs aimed at the use and diffusion of innovative digital services with reference to applications aimed at innovating the productive, organisational and market sphere (action by Programme Agreement 3. 5. 2).

The beneficiaries are: small and medium-sized enterprises.

Calls and notices

Until resources run out  15/06/2015

Programmi Integrati di Agevolazioni per Piccole Imprese - Titolo II Capo 2

Until resources run out  15/06/2015

Programmi Integrati di Agevolazione per Medie Imprese - Titolo II Capo 2