Apprenticeship training interventions - POR Puglia 2014-2020

Action 8.5

Apprenticeship training interventions

In the framework of RA 8.1, and of the above-mentioned Line 8.5, the following actions have been indicatively selected, among those indicated in the Partnership Agreement:

Action: 8.1.3 Training paths for young people recruited under apprenticeship contracts for professional qualifications and diplomas, preceded and accompanied by information campaigns and services in support of enterprises.

Action: 8.1.4 Higher education and research apprenticeship pathways and information campaigns to promote it among young people, training institutions and enterprises and other forms of alternation between higher education, work and research.

This includes the funding of initiatives to promote the dissemination of first, second and third level apprenticeships.

The first level apprenticeship aims to offer those who have left school the opportunity to obtain the qualification of professional following employment with a contract of three years. In this context, the Region plans to make efforts to promote the use of the tool by companies, undertaking to provide public training adapted to the needs of the recipients (also with a view to countering early school leaving) and of enterprises. Besides, the Region intends to deploy a further system of incentives, where appropriate.

With reference to second-level (or professional) apprenticeships, on the other hand, the training that is to be funded is formal and external to the company, providing an adequate and high-quality public offer.

Finally, with reference to third level apprenticeships (or higher education and research), the Region intends to experiment with networks between companies, universities and research institutions, aimed at making the use of apprenticeships systematic and conducive to the more general dynamics of growth and innovation of the productive fabric. For example, doctoral programmes in apprenticeships could be tested, providing incentives for both researchers and companies. In addition, the training offered by universities and research institutions could be strengthened, with a view to the transition to work, in favour of hiring apprentices at the highest level.

Indicative type of beneficiaries: Region, Enterprises, Training Bodies, Patronage, Bilateral Bodies, Local Authorities, Public Bodies and Private Bodies.

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