Experimental actions against poverty - POR Puglia 2014-2020

Action 9.1

Experimental actions against poverty

Under RA 9. I and with reference to point I of the expected results, the following actions have been selected from those indicated in the Partnership Agreement: 9. 1. 2 and 9. 1. 3.

In order to reduce the incidence of people suffering from severe material deprivation compared to the resident population, it is necessary to act in an integrated way on the empowerment of the weak individual with respect to access to the world of work with multidimensional support actions. The Municipalities associated in Social Areas (45 Territorial Areas coinciding with social and health districts) promote actions for the selection of cases of extreme fragility for the construction of "individual insertion pacts", which each recipient in conditions of particular economic disadvantage and risk of exclusion subscribes to set the objectives of empowerment, retraining and vocational training for access to the world of work, also supported by non-assistant economic support measures and related to activities carried out in local contexts (e.g. Citizenship Shipyards).

The active employment policies that will be promoted are consistent with the regional strategy that aims to promote work/training experiences. Since these interventions are aimed at different targets, the aim will be - as already specified in Axis 8 - to operate in an integrated manner, promoting synergies with Axis 8 and between the interventions promoted under this Specific Objective and those under Specific Objective 9. 2.

The customised projects for taking charge of the implementation of the “insertion pacts” are made up of:

-Innovative social services supporting families with multiple problems and/or particularly disadvantaged or discriminated against people (e. g. social adoption, mentoring, home education, family and cultural mediation, local family centres, services to prevent abuse of violence,...)

-measures for the support and on-the-job training of the individual in the productive context and commitment to which the same is assigned (company tutors, security guards, linguistic and cultural mediation, etc...);

-vocational training interventions selected from the Regional Catalogue of the training offer to complete the individual insertion pact;

-as an alternative to individual insertion pacts, or downstream of the development of integrated paths, financial engineering instruments in order to support the implementation of life and self-employment projects subject to social monitoring.

Another dimension of innovation is also the partnership to be built between municipalities and organizations in the third sector more specialized in the employment of disadvantaged people.

Calls and notices

Until resources run out  02/09/2016 - 28/02/2019

ReD - Reddito di Dignità pugliese

Until resources run out  24/06/2019

ReD 3.0 - Reddito di Dignità pugliese 2019