Information campaigns for women's employment - POR Puglia 2014-2020
Action 8.8
Information campaigns for women's employment
Within RA 8. 2, and within the above mentioned line 8.8, the following action has been indicatively selected, among those indicated in the Partnership Agreement:
Action: 8.2.6 Territorial information and animation campaigns aiming at/knowledge and dissemination of the main available tools
Examples of activities to be carried out concern information and animation interventions, which will be promoted throughout the region and will have as preferred recipients, those covered by Specific Objective 8. 2.
Finally, with reference to the beneficiaries foreseen for the entire RA 8. 2, the main typology is constituted by the Region itself, by the training bodies by local public and private bodies, and by businesses.
Indicative type of beneficiaries: Region, Companies, Training Organisms, Patronage, Bilateral Bodies, Local Bodies, Public Bodies and Private Bodies.