Interventions for the creation and consolidation of innovative start-ups (action by Programme Agreement 1.4.1) - POR Puglia 2014-2020
Action 1.5
Interventions for the creation and consolidation of innovative start-ups (action by Programme Agreement 1.4.1)
The action will ensure, starting from the areas provided by the Intelligent Specialisation Strategy, the following examples of activities to be carried out:
- support for the concretization and valorisation of innovative business ideas also through incubators, accelerators, Fablab and makerspace;
- support for the creation and support for the development of spin-offs of innovative start-ups;
- implementation of the Exploratory Development process, during which potential applications are transformed into product prototypes and tested with key customers;
- increase of the collaboration between large companies and start-ups;
- services for accompanying young companies to start-ups.
The types of beneficiaries to whom the action is addressed are companies, universities, public research bodies, socio-economic associations.