Axis XII - Sustainable urban development - POR Puglia 2014-2020

XII axis

Priority Axis XII - Sustainable urban development

The aim is to create prototypes of interventions with a highly innovative content with respect to both current practices and the average level of urban regeneration interventions carried out in the last programming cycle. 

The objective is to carry out integrated actions in medium-sized urban centres, including through pilot or experimental interventions, in peripheral and marginal areas affected by degradation of buildings and open spaces, including historical urban contexts and disused, partially used and degraded areas. Interventions, therefore, that can play a role of spur to the spread of the redevelopment of suburban districts of medium-sized cities, interpreting sustainability especially in ecological terms, with particular reference to:

  • redesign and modernization of infrastructure and urban services for residents and users of the city, reducing the consumption of natural resources and various forms of pollution and ensuring sustainable management; 
  • development of sustainable mobility, also in integration with interventions of repermeabilization of public spaces aimed at reducing the hydrogeological risk; 
  • construction, maintenance and renaturation of green infrastructure also for collective use; 
  • strengthening of infrastructure connections and equipment at the territorial scale; 
  • improvement of the quality of the territory through safety, increasing the resilience of the territories most exposed to hydrogeological risk and coastal erosion, maintenance and renaturalisation of green infrastructures and ecosystem services
  • promotion of forms of active citizenship, implementation and management of interventions for local development. 

Specific objectives

Under Action 12.1 “Sustainable urban regeneration” the objectives are as follows: 

  • To reduce energy consumption in buildings and public or public facilities, both residential and non-residential, and integrate with renewable sources (RA 4.1) 
  • Increasing sustainable mobility in urban areas (RA 4.6) 
  • Reduce the risk of hydrogeological and coastal erosion (RA 5.1) 
  • Maintaining and improving the quality of water bodies (RA 6.4) 
  • Improve the conditions and standards for the supply and use of heritage in areas of natural attraction (RA 6.6) 
  • Reduction of the number of families with particular social and economic fragilities in conditions of housing deprivation (RA 9.4) 
  • Increasing legality in areas of high social exclusion and improving the urban fabric in areas of low legality (RA 9.6) 

Under Action 12.2 “Ecological regeneration of production areas” the objectives are as follows: 

  • Reducing energy consumption in buildings and public or public facilities, both residential and non-residential, and integrate with renewable sources (RA 4.1) 
  • Increasing sustainable mobility in urban areas (RA 4.6) 
  • Restitution to productive use of polluted areas (RA 6.2) 
  • Maintaining and improving the quality of water bodies (RA 6.4)

Calls and notices

Until time runs out  23/05/2017 - 16/10/2017

Selezione delle Aree Urbane e per l’individuazione delle Autorità Urbane in attuazione dell'Asse XII Sviluppo Urbano Sostenibile