Communication Strategy Duplicate 3

Pursuant to art. 110 (2), letter d) of Regulation (EU) 1303/2013, at the meeting of 11th March 2016 the “Communication Strategy” for the entire 2014-2020 programming period was approved by the Monitoring Committee of the Apulia Operational Programme 2014-2020. 

In the above mentioned document “Communication Strategy”, the Section of the Institutional Communication Department of the Apulia Region, located within the General Secretariat of the Presidency, is identified as the reference structure for the analysis, implementation and monitoring of all communication activities under the structural funds, working in close collaboration with the Managing Authority of the Programme. 

The “Communication Strategy”, as approved by the Monitoring Committee, was adopted by the Regional Council with Resolution no. 777 of 31 May 2016.

Pursuant to art. 110 (2), letter d) of Regulation (EU) 1303/2013, at the meeting of 11th March 2016 the “Communication Strategy” for the entire 2014-2020 programming period was approved by the Monitoring Committee of the Apulia Operational Programme 2014-2020. 

In the above mentioned document “Communication Strategy”, the Section of the Institutional Communication Department of the Apulia Region, located within the General Secretariat of the Presidency, is identified as the reference structure for the analysis, implementation and monitoring of all communication activities under the structural funds, working in close collaboration with the Managing Authority of the Programme. 

The “Communication Strategy”, as approved by the Monitoring Committee, was adopted by the Regional Council with Resolution no. 777 of 31 May 2016.

Also for the 2018 Plan an approach is promoted that moves from the contributions of the annual communication plans elaborated by the regional structures that elaborate plans, actions and communication tools to arrive at the construction of interventions and initiatives of positioning and overall account of the Programme, of the interventions and values that characterize it.

Moreover, the consolidation of the programming phase naturally evolves towards the full start of the implementation phase and the change in gear of the communication can only look at a transition from objectives of brand affirmation to objectives of reputation of the Programme and its interventions.

In this sense, the communication activities in 2018, while working to consolidate the objectives of visibility, transparency and participation of potential beneficiaries, intend to prefer an approach to a deepening of the achievements in progress both at the individual, private or public, and in all local contexts involved.

This is in order to strengthen the knowledge of the opportunities, but also to activate a mechanism of collective awareness of the benefits brought by the Programme. For this reason, the communication activities planned for 2018 intend to strengthen their attention towards the first results and the real impacts of the Programme.

The year 2018 will be dedicated, in particular, to actions aimed at raising awareness of the Operational Programme and the involvement of stakeholders and target audiences in a proactive role of support to the Administration in particular for policy choices in a perspective of integration between policies aimed at representing, in addition to individual funding measures, the overall strategy

In line with the 2016 annual plan, the 2017 year will also be dedicated to the implementation of actions aimed at raising awareness of the Operational Programme and the involvement of stakeholders and target audiences in a proactive role of support to the Administration for policy choices.