Interventions of seabed dredging and management of extracted sediments - POR Puglia 2014-2020
Interventions of seabed dredging and management of extracted sediments
When to participate
from 05/07/2018Through the Public Notice for the selection of dredging of the seabed and the management of extracted sediments, the Puglia Region wants to support project proposals of local authorities and port system authorities aimed at improving environmental conditions, promoting the competitiveness of the Apulian port system.
Who can participate
- Local societies
- Port system authorities (former Port Authorities)
What finances
- Works, supplies and services, including safety charges, related to the implementation of the intervention, as well as functional to its full operation
- Compensation and contributions due to public and private bodies as established by law
- General expenses such as necessary expenses for preparatory work, (request for permits, carrying out feasibility studies, including the costs of characterization and classification of materials from the excavation area), tender costs (award commissions), expenses for technical checks to be paid by the contracting authority as specified in the Special Tender Specifications, expenses for daily assistance and accounting, expenses for technical testing, technical-administrative tests, consultancy fees or technical-administrative support, expenses for the preparation of geological reports
How to participate
The application form can only be sent by post to the Puglia Region - Department of Mobility, Urban Quality, Public Works, Ecology and Landscape - Section for Local Public Transport and Major Projects, Via Gentile n. 52, CAP 70126 - BARI and it must include:
- domanda compilata sul modello dell'Allegato 1 incluso nell'Avviso Pubblico;
- progetto di fattibilità tecnica ed economica dell’intervento;
- provvedimento di approvazione del progetto proposto;
- relazione tecnico - illustrativa, sviluppata secondo l’Allegato 1.a dell'Avviso Pubblico, quale relazione di sintesi dell’intervento, al cui interno devono essere riportati gli elementi qualificanti della proposta in stretta relazione con i criteri di valutazione e sostenibilità ambientale dell’intervento riportati al successivo articolo 9, nonché tutti gli elementi necessari alla stessa valutazione;
- quadro economico di progetto, redatto conformemente ai dettami di cui al successivo articolo 10;
- eventuali pareri e autorizzazioni già acquisiti;
- cronoprogramma riportante la quotatura di tutte le fasi procedurali e attuative del percorso di realizzazione;
- piano o regolamento di gestione dei sedimenti, comprensivo anche di indicazioni sulla forma di gestione prevista, redatto in conformità alle disposizioni del Decreto del Ministero dell'Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare n. 173/2016;
- “Regolamento recante modalità e criteri tecnici per l’autorizzazione all’immersione in mare dei materiali di escavo di fondali marini”;
- modello di autocertificazione, come nell’Allegato 1.b dell'Avviso Pubblico.
We have been contacted as a laboratory to deal with the analytical characterization of sediments. In this regard I need a clarification regarding the prescription, reported below, regarding the laboratories that can carry out the chemical and ecotoxicological characterization of the sediments, reported in the annex of the Decree of 15 July n. 173/2016: “the surveys must be conducted by bodies and / or public institutes with proven experience or by private laboratories accredited by organizations recognized in accordance with the UNI CEI EN 17011/05 standard for the parameters used for the purposes of quality classification of materials referred to in this Chapter 1; in both cases, national and / or international certifications are required to be included in specific calibration circuits (eg QUASIMEME, etc.) where they exist, to demonstrate the quality of the analysis; "We are an Accredited analysis laboratory ACCREDIA participating in UNICHIM circuits for some analytical tests required for sediment characterization. The questions are as follows: 1. a laboratory like ours that has some accredited tests obtained by passing UNICHIM circuits, but not all those provided in the technical annex of Decree 173/2016, can carry out the analytical activities provided in the annex technical? 2. Do you need an accredited laboratory on all the tests envisaged through specific circuits such as the quasimeme? Obviously I refer to Private laboratories.
As far as its competence is concerned, this regional structure, responsible for funding on action 7.4 of the Puglia POR FESR 2014/2020, interprets the regulatory provision contained in Decree 173/2016, considering that the accreditation of private laboratories is necessary for all parameters used for the purpose of quality classification of materials. It therefore appears insufficient the possession of the generic "Accredia" logo if this is recognized only for some of the analytical tests provided. However, we recommend that you contact the Environmental Authorization Section directly ( rather than ARPA Puglia for a formal expression of opinion.
Siamo stati contattati in qualità di laboratorio per occuparci della caratterizzazione analitica dei sedimenti. A questo proposito Ho la necessità di un chiarimento in merito alla prescrizione, di seguito riportata, relativa ai laboratori che possono effettuare le caratterizzazioni chimiche ed ecotossicologiche dei sedimenti, riportata nell’allegato del Decreto del 15 luglio n. 173/2016: “le indagini devono essere condotte da Enti e/o Istituti Pubblici di comprovata esperienza oppure da laboratori privati accreditati da organismi riconosciuti ai sensi della norma UNI CEI EN 17011/05 per i parametri utilizzati ai fini della classificazione di qualità dei materiali di cui al presente Capitolo 1; in entrambi i casi viene richiesto il possesso di certificazioni nazionali e/o internazionali relative all’inserimento in circuiti di calibrazione specifici (es. QUASIMEME, etc.) laddove esistenti, che diano dimostrazione della qualità delle analisi;” Siamo un laboratorio di analisi Accreditato ACCREDIA che partecipa a circuiti UNICHIM per alcune prove analitiche richieste per la caratterizzazione dei sedimenti. I quesiti sono i seguenti: 1. un laboratorio come il nostro che ha alcune prove accreditate ottenute attraverso il superamento di circuiti UNICHIM, ma non tutte quelle previste nell’allegato tecnico del Decreto 173/2016, può effettuare le attività analitiche previste nell’allegato tecnico? 2. serve un laboratorio accreditato su tutte le prove previste attraverso circuiti specifici come il quasimeme? Ovviamente mi riferisco a laboratori Privati
With regard to the question, the number, the type and the optimal grid for the sampling of the harbor backdrops for the purposes of their characterization, are fixed in a cogent way by the norms on dredging activities. In particular the technical annexes to the Decree of the Ministry of the Environment and of the Protection of the Territory and of the Sea n. 173 of 15 July 2016, "Regulations laying down the technical methods and criteria for authorizing the immersion of seabed excavation materials at sea" and the Decree of the Ministry of the Environment and of the Protection of the Territory and of the Sea n. 15 July 2016, “Regulation laying down the rules for technical procedures and standards.
In the technical and economic feasibility design phase, it is asked if it is sufficient to carry out a targeted sampling and elaborated by an expert technician that is representative of the critical points present in the port (for example in the fishing vessels mooring area) and that through at least n. 3 samplings (minimum number of samples set by the MATTM Decree n. 173/2016) are able to provide useful information for the design of dredging interventions and the subsequent destination of the extracted sediments.
In relation to your question, it is clarified that the wording "max 6,500 words including spaces per section" is to be intended as max. 6.500 characters including spaces for each frame attributable to each single indicator (A.1, A.2, A.3, B .1, B.2; B.3; B.4, C.1, C.2). The description therefore refers to the single indicator and not to the entire evaluation criterion. The description must provide the measure, the quantification of the indicator, must enable the commission to make a quantitative assessment with the consequent assignment of score within the range established for that given indicator, it is also clear that a dry and synthetic description , facilitates the commission in assigning the score and is therefore more suited to the evaluation process.
With regard to the Public Notice of selection of "Seabed dredging interventions together with the extracted sediment management" published in BURP n.110 of 09.21.2017, it is kindly requested to clarify with reference to Annex 1.a) the wording "Max 6500 words including spaces per section", defining in particular if by section is meant the entire evaluation criterion (example: "Ability to improve access to port areas") or the single indicator (example: "A.1 - Project's ability to achieve ... ") and confirming that these are" words "and not" characters".
In order to allow the Administration to verify the eligibility thresholds of the expenses in Q.E., the Proponents are invited to submit a representation of the same as clear as possible and in line with the reclassifications submitted by Article 10 of the Notice. The above is necessary with particular reference to the identification of the expenses that contribute to the "General expenses", having to include among them, in principle, all expenses not otherwise classifiable (eg unforeseen events, expropriations, interferences ...) in addition to those not expressly excluded from the same article (expenses for the design of the work, supervision of works, coordination of safety in the design and execution phase calculated in accordance with the law). This distinction must also be made with reference to the expense items included in the calculation of the incentives pursuant to art. 113 of Legislative Decree 50/2016, which will contribute to the eligibility threshold of "General expenses" for the part not expressly identified as costs for the design of the work, works supervision, safety coordination, as represented in the detailed statement that the Proponent Subject is required to provide QE.
Article 10 of the Notice "Expenditure eligible for financial contribution": clarifications on the methods of representation of expenditure in Q.E.
For further information
Trasporto Pubblico Locale e Grandi Progetti
Director responsible for the proceedings
Responsible for action